HB9RG Trophy 2025 - Distance


March 3rd 00:00 UTC - March 16th 23:59 UTC


In the first two weeks of March we are holding a competition to celebrate the very first QSO via satellite on March 10, 1965.
The goal is to establish DX QSO via satellite. The 10 farest QSO in total will be counted per participant. (+ Bonus points for the QSO with HB9RG on March 10)
Important: In order to create fair conditions, only QSO via LEO, MEO and HEO satellites are allowed. GEO satellites (Es'Hail-2 / QO-100) are therefore excluded from the competition. (Except for the QSO with HB9RG on March 10 - counts 500 Points).
Please read the details in the rules

For Reminder

QSO via QO-100 are only valid for the Bonus Points (only QSO with HB9RG counts)

Competition Form

The Competition form will be available for download soon

Bonus Day March 10th - planned Activitys with the call HB9RG

Time Band or Satellite Mode Operator
00:00 - 01:00 QO-100 SSB HB9WDF
01:00 - 02:00 QO-100 FT4/FT-8 HB9WDF
07:41 - 08:03 RS-44 SSB HB9WDF
14:07 - 14:26 AO-7 SSB HB9WDF
15:57 - 16:20 AO-7 SSB HB9WDF
19:24 - 19:44 RS-44 SSB HB9WDF
20:26 - 20:37 AO-91 FM HB9WDF


  Name Grösse
HB9RG Trophy Kat DistanceRecord_english.pdf 475 KB
HB9RG Trophy Kat DistanceRecord.pdf 474 KB

#HB9RGTrophy - share your experience

Feel free and share your experience during the competition on social media with the hash tag #HB9RGTrophy

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